Waterproof ratings for tents are measured in millimetres and will usually be between 1000mm (the lowest level considered waterproof) and 10,000mm. The higher the rating, the more waterproof a tent will be. Ratings are measured using a hydrostatic head test but these ratings don’t take into account wind driven rain.
Most Spring/Summer camping can be done with a 3000 HH rating. A tents ability to withstand the elements come down to the material its made of, as well as other features and functions. If you’re planning on camping in cold, wet or windy weather make sure you have everything you need before you head off.
Over time and with use mud and dirt can cause the water repellent coating to break down, which will result in water being absorbed into the fabric rather than running off. It is recommended that tents are periodically ‘reproofed’. This will restore the water repellency whilst maintaining the breathability of the fabric.
Click here for our tent buying guide or here to pick the right tent for your needs on our website: